First State Records
Records of new species for Utah accepted by the Records Committeez
(This list includes 7 species with records accepted with no physical evidence.)*
Utah Bird Records Committee

(Click on the record numbers in blue to view the documentation).

Ord   Bird Date Observer  (location) Accepted** Rec.#
470 Sprague's Pipit 19 Apr 2024 Quinn Diaz  (Inland Sea Shorebird Reserve) 24 Jun 2024 2024-15
469 Hepatic Tanager 27 Nov 2023 Carel Brest van Kempen (West Valley City.) 22 Dec 2023 2023-80
468 Alder Flycatcher 3 Aug 1972 Adam Zahm; Ben Stradling (Mountain Dell Res.) 26 Jul 2022 2022-30
467* Blue-throated Mountain-gem 3 Aug 1972 Jerome L Gifford (Springdale) 20 Jul 2020 2021-26
466 Blackburnian Warbler 20 Sep 2020 Jenner Bryson (Sand Hollow State Park) 24 Oct 2020 2020-46
465 Mexican Duck 13 Sep 2018 Kenny Frisch (Big Cottonwood Park) 11 Sep 2019 2019-07
464 Great Black-backed Gull 11 Jan 2019 Brian Maxfield (Flaming Gorge Reservoir) 16 Mar 2019 2019-01
463 Blue-footed Booby 19 Sep 2018 Nikki Emanuel (Warm Creek Bay, Lake Powell) 21 Nov 2018 2018-46
462 Dusky-capped Flycatcher 29 Oct 2017 Mike Schijf  (Cougar Canyon WA) 18 Feb 2018 2017-57
     Pacific-slope was merged with Cordilleran Flycatcher and are now knownas Western Flycatcher.
462 Pacific-slope Flycatcher # 23 Aug 2015 Kenny Frisch  (Lytle Ranch) 6 Jan 2018 2015-24R
     Thayer's Gull and Iceland Gull were merged into one species: Iceland Gull, so Thayer's Gull was removed from the state list.
462 Arctic Tern 8 Aug 2017 Jay Carlisle, Bryant Olsen  (Willard Bay)  (2 records) 20 Oct 2017 2017-46
461 Bell's Sparrow 28 Jan 2017 Tim Avery, Kenny Frisch, Nate Brown  (Beaver Dam) 19 Jun 2017 2017-06
460 Black-throated Green Warbler 27 Mar 2017 Bonnie Eves  (Logan) 31 May 2017 2017-19
459 Common Crane 10 Mar 2017 Kathleen & Hal Robins  (Green River) 15 May 2017 2017-18
458 California Condor 2003 - 2016 (Accepted as established species in Utah) 18 Jun 2016 Sightings
457 Laughing Gull 14 Jan 2015 Matt Pendleton  (Lee Kay Ponds) 20 Feb 2015 2015-03
456 Nelson's Sparrow 29 Sep 2014 Bryant Olsen  (Farmington Bay) 8 Nov 2014 2014-027
455 Mississippi Kite 4 May 2014 Jerry Liguori  (near Parley's Canyon) 9 Aug 2014 2014-013
454 Allen's Hummingbird 16 Jan 2013 Carla Ritter, Rick Fridell  (Ivins) 25 Feb 2014 2013-83
453 Streak-backed Oriole 26 Dec 2013 Russell Schreiner  (Washington City) 21 Feb 2014 2014-001
452* Bar-tailed Godwit 5 Aug 2013 Joel and Kathy Beyer  (Willard Bay) 5 Jan 2014 2013-64
451 Winter Wren 17 Oct 2010 Joel and Kathy Beyer  (Antelope Island) 24 Apr 2013 2012-22
450 Tropical Kingbird 11 Sep 2012 Eric Huish  (Provo Airport Dike) 16 Dec 2012 2012-35
449 Gilded Flicker 24 Feb 2012 Rick Fridell  (Zion National Park) 15 Sep 2012 2012-27
448 Purple Sandpiper 28 Nov 2010 Rick Fridell  (Sand Hollow) 4 Feb 2011 2010-48
447 Pyrrhuloxia 30 Sep 2010 Rick Fridell  (Lytle Ranch) 30 Oct 2010 2010-33
446 Thick-billed Kingbird 20 Oct 2009 Claus and Connie Engelhardt (Upper Calf Canyon) 20 Feb 2010 2009-29
445 Brown-capped Rosy-Finch 6 Dec 2008 Chris Goetze (Moab) 22 Jan 2010 2008-36
444 Iceland Gull # 4 Nov 2008 Jason Pietrzak, Ryan O'Donnell  (Logan) 21 Nov 2009 2008-31
443 Whip-poor-will 19 Jun 2008 Ron Ryel  (Green Canyon, Cache Co.) 16 Nov 2008 2008-12
442* Baird's Sparrow 5 Oct 2007 Larry Tripp  (Lytle Ranch) 21 Oct 2008 2007-44
441 Purple Finch 7 Sep 2007 Rick Fridell  (Lytle Ranch) 20 Oct 2008 2007-38

Pine Warbler

26 Nov 2007

Tim Avery, Rick Fridell  (Lytle Ranch) 9 Jun 2008 2007-46

Sharp-tailed Sandpiper

13 Oct 2007

Tim Avery  (Antelope Is. Causeway) 11 Feb 2008 2007-31

Cape May Warbler

16 Sep 2007

Larry Tripp, Peyton Cook, Rick Fridell (Red Hills GC) 11 Feb 2008 2007-36

Painted Bunting

24 Jul 2007

Matt Mills, Randy Larsen, Aaron Robinson (Fish Sprs.) 30 Jan 2008 2007-17
436 Neotropic Cormorant 30 Aug 2007 Rick Fridell  (Quichapa Lake. Iron Co.) 27 Nov 2007 2007-26
435 Western Gull  27 Dec 2006 Colby Neuman, Tim Avery (Lee Kay Ponds) 1 Mar 2007 2006-60
434 Gray Hawk 30 Apr 2005 Larry Tripp (Gunlock Reservoir) 11 Dec 2006 2006-48
433 Pacific Golden-Plover  25 Aug 2006 Keith Evans (Antelope Island Causeway) 1 Dec 2006 2006-33
432 Glossy Ibis 5 Jun 2006 Ron Ryel  (Benson)  (2 records) 8 Aug 2006 2006-24
431 Ruby-throated Hummingbird 29 Aug 2005 Larry Tripp (Central, Washington Co.) 1 Jan 2006 2005-46
430 Cackling Goose 10 Apr 2005 Ron Ryel (Cutler Reservoir) 6 Jun 2005 2005-07
429 Rufous-backed Robin 18 Dec 2004 K. & D. Hinton, M & S. Topham,
T. Calico (near Springdale)
26 Jan 2005 2004-44
428 White Ibis 11 Sep 2004 Dave Hanscom (North of Spanish Fork) 3 Dec 2004 2004-24
427 Blue-headed Vireo 2 Oct 2003 Larry Tripp (St. George) 31 Mar 2004 2003-40
426 Curve-billed Thrasher 21 Jun 2003 Edson Leite (Red Hills Golf Course) 19 Oct 2003 2003-25
425 Reddish Egret 14 Aug 2003 Larry Tripp (Gunlock Reservoir) 12 Sep 2003 2003-30
424 Yellow-bellied Sapsucker 19 Jan  2003 Larry Tripp (Lytle Ranch) 12 Sep 2003 2003-16
423* Louisiana Waterthrush 4 May 2003 Larry Tripp (Beaver Dam Wash) 10 Sep 2003 2003-24
422 Philadelphia Vireo 27 Oct 2002 Rick Fridell (Red Hills Golf Course) 23 Feb 2003 2002-40
  " Philadelphia Vireo 27 Oct 2002 Larry Tripp (Red Hills Golf Course) " 2002-40b
421 Lawrence's Goldfinch 3 Oct 2002 Rick Fridell  (Cheksani Cliffs) 5 Feb 2003 2002-35a
  " Lawrence's Goldfinch 2 Oct 2002 Steve Summers  (Cheksani Cliffs) " 2002-35b
420 Ruff 23 Sep 2001 (2 submissions) (west end of Glover Lane) 13 Jan 2003 12-2001
419 Blue-winged Warbler 23 Jun 2001 Dr. Jimmie Parrish (Grand Staircase) 21 Sep 2002 2002-09
418 Prairie Warbler 29 Sep 2001 (3 submissions) (Quail Creek Reservoir) 15 Sep 2002 14-2001
417 Eurasian Collared Dove 22 Nov 2001 Hal Black (Blanding) 22 Jan 2003 2002-08
  " Eurasian Collared Dove 25 May 2000 Tyler Hicks (Fish Springs) 9 Jan 2003 14-2000
416 Canyon Towhee 7 Jan 2000 Dana Green (Hatch Trading Post) [<-- col.3] 2-2000
415* Elf Owl 3 Aug 1999 Steve Hedges (Lytle Ranch) [<-- col.3]  (11) 7-1999
414 Cassin's Sparrow 9 Jun 1999 Steve Hedges (Wah Wah Valley) [<-- col.3] (10)  6-1999
413 Magnificent Frigatebird 29 May 1999 Joshua Kreitzer (Minersville Reservoir) [<-- col.3] (11) 5a-1999
  " Magnificent Frigatebird 31 May 1999 S.& P. Summers (Minersville Reservoir) [<-- col.3] 5-1999
412 Hoary Redpoll 26 Feb 1999 Ron Ryel (Logan) [<-- col.3] (10)  2-1999
411* Field Sparrow 9 Jan 1999 Merrill Webb (Lindon Marina) [<-- col.3] (10)  1-1999
410 Yellow-footed Gull 4 Oct 1998 Keith Evans (Bear River MBR) [<-- col.3]  (117-1998
409 Scaled Quail 9 Nov 1997 Jim & Jeanne Redd (Blanding) [<-- col.3] (10)  7-1997
408 Golden-winged Warbler 30 Aug 1997 Tim Reeves; Al Schmierer (Fish Creek) [<-- col.3] ( 9 )  3-1997
407 Boreal Owl  June 1997 Dave Stricklan (Heber) [<-- col.3] ( 9 )  2-1997
406 Yellow-throated Vireo 8 May 1997 Nancy Williams  (Logan) [<-- col.3] (10)  8-1997
405* Garganey 27 Oct 1996 Terry Sadler  (Great Salt Lake) [<-- col.3] ( 9 )  4-1996
404 Prothonotary Warbler 28 Sep 1996 M. Shane Pruett (Antimony Creek) [<-- col.3] (10)  2-1996
403 Yellow-crowned Night-Heron 8 May 1996 Darren Shirley (Burriston's Ponds) [<-- col.3] 2002-02
402 White-rumped Sandpiper 1 Jun 1993 Peter Paton (Great Salt Lake) [<-- col.3] (10)  8-1993
401 Great Crested Flycatcher 3 Oct 1992 Craig Kneedy  (West Point) [<-- col.3] ( 8 )  11-1992
400 Little Gull 17 Sep 1992 Craig Kneedy  (Willard Bay) [<-- col.3] ( 8 )  9-1992
399 Yellow-throated Warbler 15 Dec 1991 Laura Lockhart, Mark Stackhouse
(Liberty Park)
[<-- col.3] ( 8 )  4-1991
398 Yellow-billed Loon 16 Nov 1991 PG  (Fish Springs) [<-- col.3] ( 8 )  8-1991
397 Pomarine Jaeger 7 Nov 1991 Edward Madden, Merrill Webb,
(Utah Lake)
[<-- col.3] ( 8 )  5-1991
396 Ruddy Ground-Dove 2 Nov 1991 Merrill Webb (Lytle Ranch) [<-- col.3] 2003-09
395 Pacific Wren 29 Jun 1991 Stanley Heath (Deaf Smith Canyon) [<-- col.3] ( 8 )  22-1991
394 Worm-eating Warbler 23 May 1991 Terry Cox  (Summit Co) [<-- col.3] ( 8 )  17-1991
393 Curlew Sandpiper 18 May 1991  Peter Paton (Harold Crane WMA) [<-- col.3] ( 8 )  16-1991
392 Lesser Black-backed Gull 18 Jan 1991 Craig Kneedy (Salt Lake City) [<-- col.3] ( 8 )  1-1991
391 Northern Parula 12 Dec 1990 Blaise Chanson, Terry Sadler
(Salt Lake City)
[<-- col.3] ( 8 )  7-1990
390 Buff-breasted Sandpiper 6 Sep 1990 Kenn Kaufman (Bear River MBR) [<-- col.3] ( 8 )  11-1990
389 Yellow-billed Cuckoo 18 Jul 1990 John Spence  (Beaver Dam Wash) [<-- col.3] ( 8 )  24-1990
388 Orchard Oriole 29 May 1990 John Spence (Fruita, Capitor Reef) [<-- col.3] ( 8 )  26-1990
387 Eastern Bluebird 16 Dec 1989 Nelson Boschen (Moab) [<-- col.3] ( 8 ) 12-1989
386 Least Flycatcher 18 Jun 1989 Ron Ryel (Beaver Dam, Box Elder Co) [<-- col.3] ( 8 )  6-1989
385 Red-necked Grebe 13 April 1988 Ron Ryel  (Cataract Canyon) [<-- col.3] ( 7 )  6-1988
384 Rose-breasted Grosbeak 3 Nov 1985 Jim Woolf, Clyde Morris (Parley's Gulch) [<-- col.3] ( 3 ) 43-1985
383 Heermann's Gull 2 Nov 1985 Ron Ryel (Logan Sewage Ponds) [<-- col.3] ( 8 ) 58-1985
382 Kentucky Warbler 13 May 1985 Merlin Killpack (Ogden) [<-- col.3] ( 1 )  6-1985
381 Acorn Woodpecker  8 May1985 Jim Tucker, Steven Hedges (Zion) [<-- col.3] ( 1 )  8-1985
380 Bronzed Cowbird Dec 1984 Thomas J. Willis (Genola) [<-- col.3] ( 7 )  27-1984
379 Glaucous-winged Gull 20 Nov 1984 David Fischer (Provo City Landfill) [<-- col.3] ( 1 )  11-1984
378 Black-tailed Gnatcatcher 9 Jun 1984 Ella Sorensen, Steven Hedges (Lytle Ranch) [<-- col.3] ( 1 )  8-1984
377 Zone-tailed Hawk 3 Jun 1984 Christopher Schultz (Capitol Reef) [<-- col.3] ( 1 )  7-1984

The "Observer" listed is the first person who submitted a sight record to the Records Committee and sometimes the person who discovered the bird.. In most cases there were other observers or even others who submitted an additional sight record. (See links in the right column for more details).

* This species has one sight record that has been accepted without physical evidence and is not on the main checklist for the state. When another sight record is accepted it will be moved to the main State Checklist.
(see Provisional Species List)
* * Date Accepted or [Date Observed]  (found in column 3) where the official acceptance date is not available.

The Winter Wren was added to the Utah Checklist in 1991, but was later split into two species: the Pacific Wren in the West (the one most commonly found in Utah) and the Winter Wren which is most commonly found in the eastern part of North America and which was added to the Utah list in 2013.

# This species was merged with another species so is no long a separate species.


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