California Gull |
plumages |
species |
CS,UW - 4 year - Medium size (21") |
*Eye color dark in
all plumages |
legs, Yellow bill with red spot (adult) |
*Dark gray mantle
(adult), White head (adult), brown streaked (winter adult) |
State Bird of Utah
Adult (9 Feb 2003 Farmington Bay)
by Jack Binch ŠJack Binch
Ring-billed Gull |
plumages |
species |
CW,US - 3 year - Medium size (18") |
*Yellow bill with
black ring |
*Pale yellowish eye, yellowish legs (adult),
gray/blue legs (winter adult) |
*Pale gray mantle (adult), head brown streaked
(winter) |
Franklin's Gull |
plumages |
species |
CS - 3 year - Small size (15") |
*Black hood (No winter records for Utah) |
Broken white eye crescents, Pink tint to breast |
Bonaparte's Gull |
plumages |
species |
FT - 2 year - Small size (13") |
Black hood as adult, *black ear spot in winter |
*White leading edge of outer wing |
Tern like in flight and feeding habits |
Herring Gull |
plumages |
species |
UW - 4 year - Large size (25") |
Variable subspecies |
Pale gray mantle (adult), brown overall as
immature |
*Pink legs, head brown streaked (winter adult) |
*Yellowish eye, bill (red spot) (adult), black
tipped (immature) |
Sabine's Gull |
plumages |
species |
RT - 2/3 year - Small size (14") |
*Striking black, white, gray (brown) wing
triangle pattern |
Gray/brown body as immature |
Forked tail |
Pelagic species, long distance migrant |
Thayer's Gull |
plumages |
species |
RW - 4 year - Large size (23") |
Like Herring - variable |
*Dark eye, pink legs, thinner bill, rounded head |
Pale brown juvenile |
Glaucous Gull |
plumages |
species |
RW - 4 year - Large size (27"), heavy bodied |
*Very pale plumage (no black) |
Pink legs, juvenile distinct black tipped -
flesh-colored bill |
Glaucous-winged Gull |
plumages |
species |
RW - 4 year - Large size (26") |
Variable plumages - pale (no black) |
*Mantle pale gray, legs pink, eye dark |
*Bill entirely black as immature, yellow in
adults |
*Immature uniformly brownish/gray, pale |
Gull |
plumages |
species |
OW - 3 year - Medium size (16") |
*Thin all yellow bill (adult) |
Immatures similar to Ring-billed but underwing
coverts brownish |
*Adults dark gray mantle, dark eye |
Black-legged Kittiwake |
plumages |
species |
A - 2/3 year - Medium size (17") |
Winter only |
*yellow bill, smudgy ear spot, black tipped
wings, black legs, gray mantle |
*Immature - dark "W" across wings |
Little Gull |
plumages |
species |
A - 2 year - *Smallest size (11") |
*Black ear spot, wings black underside, white
rear edge, red legs |
Often with Bonaparte's Gulls |
Heermann's Gull |
plumages |
species |
A - 3 year - Medium size (19") |
*Dark plumage (immiture), black legs |
Red bill, grayish breast, whtish head as Adult |
Yellow-footed Gull |
plumages |
species |
A - 3/4 year - Large size (27") |
*Yellow legs and feet |
Utah records (2) - summer only |
Western Gull |
plumages |
species |
A - 4 year - Large size (25") |
*Adult - white head, dark gray/blackish back,
pink legs, very large yellow bill/red spot |
Immatures - dark brown, bill all black |
Variable - Hybridizes commonly with Glaucous-winged
Gull. |
Iceland Gull |
plumages |
species |
A - 4 year - Large size (22") |
Variable - Smaller version of Glaucous |
*Very pale immature, all black bill, pale yellow
eye |
Lesser Black-backed Gull |
plumages |
species |
A - 4 year - Large size (medium +) (20-21") |
*Blackish back as adult, yellow legs |
*Immature - black bill, fleshy legs, pale head,
dark prijmary and secondary wing feathers |