General Information |
Gull Identification |
Immature Gulls |
Key to Adult Gulls |
Species List | |
Glaucous Gull (similar
Breeding Adult - large and heavy bodied, pale gray
mantle, otherwise white
including the primaries; yellow bill with red spot on lower
mandible; yellowish-white eyes
Photo by Paul Higgins
©Paul Higgins
Breeding Adult - all white except the light gray mantle
Photo by Jack Binch
©Jack Binch
1st Winter (This one is faded, most are much darker than this one). -
plumage nearly pure white, flesh-pink bill with dark tip
by Margaret T. Sanchez
©Margaret T. Sanchez
2nd Winter - paler and more buff-colored, with less black in the bill tip
By January, most 2nd winter birds begin to show pale gray feathers on the
back and a pale eye.
by Paul Higgins
©Paul Higgins
2nd Winter - no black in wing tips, less black on tip of bill than 1st
by Paul Higgins
©Paul Higgins
Glaucous Gull
Similar Species
Iceland Gulls
- are similar but have a much smaller bill and often more gray
markings in the primaries. The first winter Iceland
Gull has a bill that is
all or mostly dark. |
Glaucous-winged Gulls
- all has extensive gray in primaries; They have a somewhat shorter
and more bulbous bill; Immatures may be very pale
(particularly in worn plumage at end of first and second
winters) but the bill is entirely black, or extensively tipped black. |
Other Gulls - in worn summer plumage may be
mistaken for a Glaucous Gull. |
Iceland Gull
has a much
smaller bill, more gray markings in primaries than Glaucous.
by Paul Higgins
©Paul Higgins
Winter Glaucous-winged - has shorter and more bulbous
bill than Glaucous.
Rick Fridell
©Rick Fridell