Utah Checklist Subcommittee

Subcommittee Members:  Dennis Shirley, Kenny Frisch, Bryan Shirley

 2019 Update of the Utah Bird Checklist

    Links:  | New Checklist | Previous Checklist | eBird Bar chart for the last 10 years |

(46 of 93 from "F" (fairly common) being removed from the abundance codes
3 or 93 from removing "I" (irregular)

   Changes in abundance OR status codes:  
Species Present Code New
Ross's Goose FM,RW UM,RW  
Cackling Goose RM RW
Northern Shoveler CS,FW CP
Gadwall CS,FW CP
Eurasian Wigeon OM OW
Green-winged Teal FS,CW CP
Canvasback FM,RS,RW CM,RS,UW
Bufflehead FW CW
Common Merganser UW CM.RS,UW
Gambel's Quail CP UP
Chukar FP UP
Gray Partridge UP RP
Ring-necked Pheasant CP UP
Dusky Grouse FP UP
Sharp-tailed Grouse UP RP
Wild Turkey FP UP
Pied-billed Grebe FS,UW CS,UW
White-winged Dove US UP
Lesser Nighthawk FS US
Black Swift OS RS
Virginia Rail FS,UW CS,UW
Sandhill Crane FS CS,RW
Snowy Plover FS US
Mountain Plover OS O
Long-billed Curlew FS US
Sanderling CM.RW CM
Baird's Sandpiper FM UM
Spotted Sandpiper FS CS
Greater Yellowlegs FM,RW CM,RW
Bonaparte's Gull FM UM
Caspian Tern US CS
American Bittern US,OW US,RW
Least Bittern OP OS
Cattle Egret CS US
Green Heron RS,OW RP
Glossy Ibis O RM
Turkey Vulture FS CS
Northern Harrier FP CP
Sharp-shinned Hawk FP CP
Red-shouldered Hawk O OW
Swainson's Hawk FS CS
Zone-tailed Hawk OS RS
Rough-legged Hawk FW UW
Golden Eagle FP UP
Boreal Owl O OP
Red-breasted Sapsucker O RW
Ladder-backed Woodpecker FP UP
Hairy Woodpecker FP UP
Olive-sided Flycatcher FS US
Willow Flycatcher FS US
Least Flycatcher OM RM
Hammond's Flycatcher FS US
Gray Flycatcher FS US
Pacific-slope Flycatcher FM RM
Vermilion Flycatcher R RP
Ash-throated Flycatcher FS CS
Pinyon Jay CP UP
Clark's Nutcracker FP UP
American Crow FS,CW UP
Bushtit CP UP
White-breasted Nuthatch FP UP
Pygmy Nuthatch FP CP
Canyon Wren CP UP
Pacific Wren OS,UW RS,UW
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher UP RP
American Dipper FP UP
Western Bluebird US,RW UP
Swainson's Thrush FS CS
Brown Thrasher OM OW
Bendire's Thrasher RS OS
Bohemian Waxwing IW(R-C) UW
Cedar Waxwing US,CW CP
American Pipit CS,UW UP
Evening Grosbeak RS,IW(R-C) UP
Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch IW(U-C) UW
Cassin's Finch FP CP
White-winged Crossbill O OP
Lesser Goldfinch FP CP
McGowen's Longspur A OW
Green-tailed Towhee FS,OW CS
Clay-colored Sparrow OM RM
Swamp Sparrow OW RW
Yellow-breasted Chat FS CS
Common Grackle RS RP
Great-tailed Grackle UP CP
MacGillivray's Warbler FS CS
Common Yellowthroat FS CS
Chestnut-sided Warbler A OM
Hermit Warbler OM RM
Painted Redstart O RS
Rose-breasted Grosbeak OM RM


Species that had status code changes:

Cackling Goose RM to RW
Northern Shoveler CS,FW to CP
Gadwall CS,FW to CP
Eurasian Wigeon OM to OW
Green-winged Teal FS,CW to CP
White-winged Dove US to UP
Sandhill Crane


Mountain Plover

OS to O

Least Bittern

OP to OS



Green Heron


Sandhill Crane CS to CS,RW
Least Bittern OP to OS
Green Heron RS,OW to RP
Glossy Ibis O to RM
Red-shouldered Hawk O to OW
Boreal Owl  O to OP
Red-breasted Sapsucker

O to RW

Vermilion Flycatcher

R to RP

American Crow


Western Bluebird


Brown Thrasher

OM to OW

Bohemian Waxwing

IW(R-C) to UW

Cedar Waxwing


Evening Grosbeak

RS,IW(R-C) to UP

Gray-crowned Rosy-Finch

IW(U-C) to UW

White-winged Crossbill

O to OP

McCown's Longspur

A to OW

Swamp Sparrow

OW to RW

Common Grackle

RS to RP

Chestnut-sided Warbler

A to OM

Painted Redstart O to RS


Results of Washington Co. designation review:

Remain on the list:

Inca Dove - RP
Lesser Nighthawk - CS 
Costa's Humingbird - US
Common Gallinule - RP
Common Black-Hawk - RS 
Zone-tailed Hawk - OS
Elf Owl - A 
Ladder-backed Woodpecker - CP
Vermilion Flycatcher - RP
Brown-crested Flycatcher -RS
Bell's Vireo - US
Verdin - CP
Cactus Wren - UP
Black-tailed Gnatcatcher - UP
LeConte's Thrasher - A
Crissal Thrasher - UP
Rufous-crowned Sparrow - RP
Abert's Towhee - UP
Bell's Sparrow - RW 
Hooded Oriole - US

Removed from the list:

Gambel's Quail - CP 
White-winged Dove - US 
Greater Roadrunner - UP
Anna's Hummingbird - RW
Least Bittern - OP  
Green Heron - RS,OW
California Condor - RP
Black Phoebe - UP 
House Wren - CS,RW
Sage Thrasher - CS,RW
Phainopepla - UP 
Black-chinned Sparrow - US 
Vesper Sparrow - CS,RW
Lucy's Warbler - CS  
Summer Tanager - US 

Added to the list:

Gilded Flicker - A  
Pacific-slope flycatcher - CM 
Bronzed Cowbird - A 
Hermit Warbler - OM  
Painted Redstart) - O