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Re: Honey/Hummers

According to the Peterson Field Guide, Hummingbirds of North America, honey contains spores that could cause fatal infections in hummingbirds.  I've read cautions against using honey (and commercial hummingbird food, and artificial sweeteners, and red dye...) for hummers from other sources as well.
Everything I've read on feeding hummingbirds sticks to the same old advice:  A water/sugar mixture at a ratio of 4::1 is best because that mixture most closely resembles natural nectar sources.  At least it's nice to know that the simplest and cheapest source of hummingbird food that we can provide is also the best!
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, August 07, 2004 11:54 PM
Subject: [BirdTalk] Honey/Hummers

What are your views on feeding diluted honey in hummingbird feeders?