28 Apr to 30 May 2011
Payson, Utah
A pair of American Robins set up a
nest in a tree in Ted Fitzgerald's neighbor's yard in
Payson, Utah. Here is a series of photos taken of this nest
from the 28th of April, when the female started to incubate the
eggs, to the 30th of May, when the young birds were out of the
nest and on their own.
Photos by Ted Fitzgerald
Fist Day
Sitting on Eggs - 28 Apr 2011
Female on
Eggs - 28 Apr 2011
Just Hatched
Chicks - 11 May 2011
Male Feeding
Chicks - 11 May 2011
Sitting on Chicks - 11 May 2011
Crowding Nest - 16 May 2011
Removing Fecal Sack - 20 May 2011
Four Chicks
More Crowded - 21 May 2011
Male with
Chicks - 21 May 2011
Male with
Fecal Sack - 21 May 2011
Chicks with
Orange Breast - 21 May 2011
Crowded - 24 May 2011
Growing Up - 24 May 2011
Feeding Chicks - 24 May 2011
Chicks Left
Nest - 24 May 2011
Robin Chick
in Flower Garden
- 30 May 2011
All Photos by Ted Fitzgerald
ŠTed Fitzgerald