Skipper Bay Trail

Skipper Bay Trail in Spring - Looking Northeast
  (Cascade Mountain at the mouth of Provo Canyon, on the Right)
 by Staff Photographer    Š

   Attention:  North end of trail to close mid-March 2021.   Information on Provo River Delta project

Directions: It is best accessed by taking the Provo West Center Street exit off I-15, traveling west a couple of miles towards the state park; after crossing the Provo River, and before entering the gates to the park, turn right and travel north to the T junction (about 1 block) and then turn west (left) [into the parking lot].  [The trail goes north from the west end of this narrow parking lot]. ~ Merrill Webb

Description: The trail starts just north of the Utah Lake State Park headquarters and is about 1 1/4 miles long. There are a few parking places before the trail head which is all black-topped to the end.  It goes straight north bordered by Utah. Lake on the west and a lot of wet fields [in March] on the right (Provo side) or east side.  It is a nice trail, especially in the mornings. ~ Merrill Webb

Specialty Birds: (Spring & Summer) Osprey, Western & Clark's Grebe, Virginia Rail, Sora, Sandhill Crane, Ash-throated Flycatcher, Eastern Kingbird, Purple Martin, Common Yellowthroat, Green-tailed Towhee, Bullock's Oriole  (Fall & Winter) American Tree Sparrow, White-throated Sparrow, Harris's Sparrow,

     eBird Data:   |  Skipper Bay Trail |

     Field Trip Reports:  | 6 Apr 02 | 22 May 08 | 21 Oct 2006 | 14 May 2005 |


Fields East of Skipper Bay Trail - Looking South
 (Mt Loafer on Left & Mt. Nebo on Right in the distance)
 by Staff Photographer    Š

Skipper Bay Trail in Winter - Looking North
 (Lone Peak on Left & Mt. Timpanogos on Right)
by Staff Photographer    Š

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