Press Release:
A Course in Great Basin Birding

Spring is in the air and the birds are chirping. Do you ever wonder what the name of that bird is hopping from limb to limb in the pinion pine, letting out its little chirping noise? Have you ever seen an Osprey nose-dive for the river at 50 mph hoping to catch its supper? The Great Basin is home to more than 100 species of birds and provides an excellent environment to develop and improve bird identification and observation skills while exploring the diverse habitat types of the Great Basin.

Beginning with a lecture on April 2nd and finishing with an overnight trip April 20th, Audrey McElrone and Don McIvor will lead "Great Basin Birding" an excellent birding workshop from the Bear River Institute. "Great Basin Birding" is based out of beautiful Cache Valley, Utah, providing a great diversity of species. The course can be taken for two credits and includes a few class sessions, five day trips, and one overnight trip. Students will learn to develop bird identification skills, learn the necessary tools for birding, develop an understanding of bird-habitat relationships, and much much more. This course is open to the public, as are all courses through the Bear River Institute.

Hurry to secure a position in this fascinating course as the cut off date is Friday, March 23, 2001. For more information about this course or other events offered by the Bear River Institute please call 797-7379 or visit our website:

Great Basin Birding
Class Sessions:
Field Sessions:
 Course Fee:
Make or Break Date:
Apr. 2, 9, 16: 5:30-7:30pm
Apr. 4, 11, 18: 4:30pm-7:30pm, Apr. 7: 6am-Noon,
Apr. 14: 7am-2pm, Apr. 20 and 21: Overnight
 $90.00 (plus 30 for USU credit)
 March 23, 2000**********

Great Basin Birding will give students the opportunity to develop and improve bird identification and observation skills while exploring the diverse habitat types of the Great Basin. The class is geared toward novice to intermediate birders and will cover such topics as bird identification and observation skills, ecology, migration, and conservation. Students will also learn skills to help them enjoy their birding experiences in these different habitats. Discussions will address appropriate clothing, equipment, and behavior. Field trips, including one overnight trip, will create the perfect opportunity to exercise and develop these new skills.